Boosting Brain Health and Memory
We all have experienced some negative effects during and after the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. The list of them is long, but here are just a few I hear on a daily basis from my clients. Some suffer from physical long covid symptoms, some struggle with reintegration back to social lives, and some have noticed decreased cognitive capabilities such as “Brain fog” and difficulties with memory and recall.
And there is my problem. You see, once well functioning body and mind is a distant memory for many, and that can feel like a betrayal. It can feel like a loss and helplessness. And that brings all new set of its own mental challenges.
But today, I hope I can take some of that helplessness away by sharing with you wonderful findings from a team of researchers from Würzburg University of Medicine. Their original article has been published in the scientific journal eLife. And it’s about an exciting breakthrough in enhancing vitamin B6 levels within our cells.
Why is Vitamin B6 Important and Problem with Degradation
For the past decade, scientists have been finding out that Vitamin B6 plays a crucial role in brain metabolism. Low vitamin B6 level, in some mental conditions, is associated with impaired memory and learning abilities, with a depressive mood, and even with depression. They found in older people that too little vitamin B6 is linked to memory loss and dementia.
So now we know it’s important. But, they found that even though Vit. 6 helps, in many cases the intake from food and supplements is not enough because of intracellular degradation. And a research team from Würzburg University of Medicine has now discovered how to increase vitamin B6 levels in cells inhibiting its intracellular degradation, making the treatments improving brain health and memory more effective.
The Solution: Inhibiting Pyridoxal Phosphatase
By inhibiting the enzyme pyridoxal phosphatase, the researchers successfully slowed down vitamin B6 degradation. They identified a natural substance called 7,8-Dihydroxyflavone that achieves this effect. This discovery opens up new possibilities for treating mental disorders.
What have we Just Learned?
We’ve discovered promising new treatments that may soon be available for those whose Vitamin B6 levels significantly contribute to their mental health issues. However, it’s equally important for the rest of us to maintain brain health and memory function. Self-care primarily involves prevention and balance, reserving treatment for when illness strikes. By focusing on the right foods and quality supplements, we can proactively support cognitive fitness. This control lies in our hands, and we can start today. I challenge you to fire up that search engine, explore delicious recipes, and find high-quality supplements to boost your B6 intake. Prioritizing your health is never a waste of time. If you notice improvements, share them—I’ll be delighted!