Trauma Informed Integrative Therapist
Zuzana Bubalova


Numerous studies have shown that hypnotherapy is an effective tool to help to deal with both physical and mental issues.

Hypnotherapyjust like visualization utilizes our potential to reach a state of inner absorption, concentration and imagery. In this state, a In it, a trained hypnotherapist can help clients relax and turn their attention inward to discover and utilize resources within themselves that can help them achieve positive changes. Unlike the common pre-conceptions, the client during hypnotic state is not under anyone’s “control.” Instead, he/she is an active participant in the process.

Hypnotherapy is a wonderful evidence-based, non-medication and, most importantly, a side effect free intervention. It can be implemented in:

  • Medically Unexplainable Somatic Symptoms that include pain complaints, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (read here), lower abdominal complaints,
  • Pain Management in number of health related issues. Read more here.
  • Stress and Anxiety Management and Burnout, past traumas and PTSD, excessive fear, grief, and burnout.

I am a Professionally Trained Certified Hypnotherapist. I am registered with:

  • CAT vergoedbaar and Vektis register. This means that my sessions are reimbursable by some Dutch insurance companies. Please check your insurance plan for alternative healthcare coverage.

The insurance companies that reimburse my hypnotherapy sessions in 2025 :

CZ, Ohra, CZdirect, Nationale Nederlanden Zorg, Zilveren Kruis, Avero Achmea, FBTO, OZF, Menzis, PMA, Anderzorg, ONVZ, PNOzorg, VvAA and De Friesland.

Get in touch to see how I can help you.

Questions & Answers

Will I still be in control of myself during hypnosis?

Yes, you remain fully in control. Hypnosis induces deep relaxation, but you won’t lose control. No one can take over unless you allow it.

Will I be asleep during hypnosis?

No, you are awake but you are more focused inwards. You will remember the whole session and interaction with me.

What if I can't be hypnotized?

You can. Everyone can. As long as you wish to enter hypnosis, you will. It’s that easy.

Do you do regression?

Yes, I do what is called a "Regression to Cause" where we tap into buried memories from the past. It's an invaluable way to uncover the roots of an issue you want to resolve.

Will I still be in control of myself during hypnosis?

Yes, you remain fully in control. Hypnosis induces deep relaxation, but you won’t lose control. No one can take over unless you allow it.

Will I be asleep during hypnosis?

No, you are awake but you are more focused inwards. You will remember the whole session and interaction with me.

What if I can't be hypnotized?

You can. Everyone can. As long as you wish to enter hypnosis, you will. It’s that easy.

Do you do regression?

Yes, I do what is called a "Regression to Cause" where we tap into buried memories from the past. It's an invaluable way to uncover the roots of an issue you want to resolve.